Få en unik oplevelse og styrk samarbejdet i teamet
It can be played by anyone, at any age.
Success in EVOTAG requires several facets: aiming and shooting, game understanding, physical fitness, use of the terrain, communication, planning and cooperation
No one is typically good at everything - and everyone is typically good at something.
It is the perfect starting point for good team building.Facilitation takes place with our top experienced EVOTAG instructors.
The event requires a good outdoor location, with plenty of space and many hiding places. It can be a place you want to use, or one of the places we know and recommend. It is possible to supplement with inflatable bunkers.
We start with a quick introduction to the equipment and the EVOTAG app, which must be installed on your phones.
After this, we divide you into 2 teams and do a quick Practice game, so that everyone has understood how the equipment and app work.
After this, we take a classic Death Match as a warm-up, where it's all about scoring the most kills.
Based on this first game, we are adjusting the teams to be balanced.
The game takes approx. 1 hour in the form of one of a series of short rounds of approx. 2 min duration, divided into 2 halves.
Before we start the game, both teams will be thoroughly introduced to the rules and each team will agree on a game plan. One team plays terrorists who must plant a bomb and the other team is counter-terrorists who must prevent them from doing so.
In the breaks between rounds, we will focus on evaluation and adjusting tactics. Each team also has the option of taking a timeout. The teams switch roles at halftime.
For those who still have energy left, we finish with a Battle Royale.
Here, the last team standing wins the game. The teams will typically have 2-3 players each and require a completely different tactic to win.
Vi prøvede EVOTAG til en teambuildingdag i Tryg, og det var en super god oplevelse. Vi havde 3 timer med en instruktør, der både var engagerende og pædagogisk. Udover det er en sjov aktivitet, var det enormt brugervenligt og efter en kort instruktion morede alle sig gevaldigt. Vi begyndte hurtigt at tænke taktisk og lærte ikke mindst vigtigheden af samarbejde!
All prices are ex. VAT.
Basic price up to 15 people DKK 6,999.00 in total
If there are more of you, we can offer alternative programmes, e.g. Tournaments.
+16 people DKK 499.00 per person
+20 people DKK 449.00 per person
+30 people DKK 399.00 per person
+40 people DKK 349.00 per person
Options Sandwiches, soft drinks and beer DKK 99.00 per person
Possibly transport supplement will be agreed, when driving more than 100 km from our office in Ballerup.
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